The Wise Old Soul Podcast
The Wise Old Soul Podcast with Lee Chandler New in 2024 The Wise Old Soul refers to the inner guidance, the inner knowing we all have, and have experienced from time to time. It is truly a ’Journey To A Higher Perspective’ for us all. Together we will delve into questions from a spiritual perspective, including near death experiences, kundalini awakenings, angels, guides, connecting with those who have crossed over, and explore other intelligence through out the cosmos. I look forward to hearing from you. Lee Chandler.

Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
Reality Shifters - Cynthia Sue Larson
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
Cynthia Sue Larson is the best-selling author of several books including Quantum Jumps, Reality Shifts, and High Energy Money. Cynthia has a degree in physics from UC Berkeley, an MBA degree, a Doctor of Divinity, and a second degree black belt in Kuk Sool Won. Cynthia reminds us to ask in every situation, "How good can it get?"
Subscribe to Cynthia's ezine at:
The Wise Old Soul Podcast Show with Lee Chandler.
Thank you for listening and subscribing to my conversations on this journey to a higher perspective. The Wise Old Soul refers to the inner guidance, the inner knowing we all have, and have experienced from time to time. It is truly a ’Journey To A Higher Perspective’ for us all. Together we will delve into questions from a spiritual perspective, including near death experiences, kundalini awakenings, angels, guides, connecting with those who have crossed over, and explore other intelligence through out the cosmos.
I look forward to hearing from you. Lee Chandler
Links to our Charity:
Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Wise Old Soul, its subsidiaries or any entities they represent podcast weblog.

Thursday May 23, 2024
Walk-in Souls Sheila Seppi on The Wise Old Soul
Thursday May 23, 2024
Thursday May 23, 2024
The Wise Old Soul Podcast Show with Lee Chandler presents Sheila Seppi, a soul exchange walk-in. A soul who agreed to switch places with a soul that already inhabits a body (the natal soul). Sheila’s essence entered the body of a 38-year old mother of three children. She arrived from her collective with a mission to be a way-shower for humanity by helping people to spiritually awaken and evolve. Sheila is the founder of the Galactic Alliance, Conscious Awakening Network. Cosmic Conversations & founder of SpiritWay Wellness in EagleVail Colorado. Sheila facilitates healings, groups, events and is gathering the StarSeed Light Worker family across the planet. Her mission here is to be a way-shower for humanity, helping people to spiritually awaken and evolve. Sheila is an author, speaker, multidimensional life coach, regression therapist, healer and event & podcast host.
The Wise Old Soul Podcast Show with Lee Chandler.
Thank you for listening and subscribing to my conversations on this journey to a higher perspective. The Wise Old Soul refers to the inner guidance, the inner knowing we all have, and have experienced from time to time. It is truly a ’Journey To A Higher Perspective’ for us all. Together we will delve into questions from a spiritual perspective, including near death experiences, kundalini awakenings, angels, guides, connecting with those who have crossed over, and explore other intelligence through out the cosmos. I look forward to hearing from you. Lee Chandler
Links to our Charity:
The opinions and views expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Wise Old Soul, its subsidiaries or any entities they represent with podcast weblog.

Wednesday May 08, 2024
Meditation to Enhance Life Tom Cronin
Wednesday May 08, 2024
Wednesday May 08, 2024
Tom Cronin spent 26 years in finance markets as one of Australia’s leading bond and swap brokers. He discovered meditation in the early stages of his career, when the anxiety and chaos he was experiencing had hit a crisis point, and it completely transformed his world, both personally and professionally. Founder of The Stillness Project, a global movement to inspire one billion people to sit in stillness daily, Tom is passionate about reducing stress and chaos in people’s lives. His ongoing work in transformational leadership coaching and corporate training has seen him working with some of the top companies in the world like Amazon, Oracle, Harvard Business School, Qantas, UBS and Coca-Cola. He has spoken on stage at conferences and events like Adnews Summit, Afest, Wanderlust and Mind Heart Connect. Tom has six books published, a meditation app and produced the hit film The Portal.
Toms Website:
The Wise Old Soul Podcast Show with Lee Chandler.
Thank you for listening and subscribing to my conversations on this journey to a higher perspective. The Wise Old Soul refers to the inner guidance, the inner knowing we all have, and have experienced from time to time. It is truly a ’Journey To A Higher Perspective’ for us all. Together we will delve into questions from a spiritual perspective, including near death experiences, kundalini awakenings, angels, guides, connecting with those who have crossed over, and explore other intelligence through out the cosmos. I look forward to hearing from you. Lee Chandler
Links to our Charity:
The opinions and views expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Wise Old Soul, its subsidiaries or any entities they represent podcast weblog.

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
Other Worlds with Preston Dennett
Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
Preston Dennett is a UFO/Paranormal researcher, the author of 29 books, hundred’s of articles and 38 fiction stories published. Preston began investigating UFOs in 1986 when he discovered that his family, friends and co-workers were having dramatic encounters.
He has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and investigated a wide variety of paranormal phenomena, as a field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), and appeared on numerous radio and television programs. His research has been presented in the LA Times, the LA Daily News, the Dallas Morning News and other newspapers, and he has taught classes and lectured on various paranormal subjects across the United States.
He currently resides in southern California, where he continues to write about aliens, or off world beings, both fictional and real.
The Light Gate:
The Wise Old Soul Podcast Show with Lee Chandler
Thank you for listening and subscribing to my conversations on this journey to a higher perspective.
The Wise Old Soul refers to the inner guidance, the inner knowing we all have, and have experienced from time to time. It is truly a ’Journey To A Higher Perspective’ for us all.
Together we will delve into questions from a spiritual perspective, including near death experiences, kundalini awakenings, angels, guides, connecting with those who have crossed over, and explore other intelligence through out the cosmos.
I look forward to hearing from you. Lee Chandler
Links to our Charity:
The opinions and views expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Wise Old Soul, its subsidiaries or any entities they represent podcast weblog.

Thursday Apr 04, 2024
UpGrading Humanity Geraldine Orozco
Thursday Apr 04, 2024
Thursday Apr 04, 2024
In 2013 Geraldine Orozco experienced a vivid abduction, where she recounts being taken on board a ship, meeting tall grays who show her hybrid children, along with much intriguing information. This experience activated all her psychic abilities, which lead to many download of multidimensional knowledge.
In 2018 Geraldine experienced a NDE- Near death experience that activated a deeper vision and comprehension of the Morphogenetic field, holographic DNA and the mechanics of life force as manifested through a soul.
Geraldine is now dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge of biophysical architecture, Life Force Alchemy, inter dimensional navigation and the re-examination of the commonly held dogma of human genetic timelines, historical record and the advanced healing and activation of human genetic hologram. And is currently writing her first book. “The origins of DNA and the Human Hybridization Program.'
The Wise Old Soul Podcast Show with Lee Chandler
Thank you for listening and subscribing to my conversations on this journey to a higher perspective.
The Wise Old Soul refers to the inner guidance, the inner knowing we all have, and have experienced from time to time. It is truly a ’Journey To A Higher Perspective’ for us all. Together we will delve into questions from a spiritual perspective, including near death experiences, kundalini awakenings, angels, guides, connecting with those who have crossed over, and explore other intelligence through out the cosmos.
I look forward to hearing from you. Lee Chandler
Links to our Charity:
The opinions and views expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Wise Old Soul, its subsidiaries or any entities they represent podcast weblog.

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Channelled Messages Kelly Bowker
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
A few years ago, after a winter filled with sickness, Kelly Bowker started seeking alternative ways to heal. In her late 50’s during a dark night of the soul, Kelly began some counselling sessions, which began a journey healing her inner child. This was pivotal in her development. Her seeking changed her life forever and in 2022 , during her last year of teaching, Kelly began to develop her spiritual and psychic abilities. Kelly is a retired Resisted Nurse and recently retired from 23 years teaching the Certified Nursing Assistant program.
Today Kelly works as an evidential medium, channel, and light language worker. She says her perception of reality has changed so completely over this last year, and her guides teach her daily about the expansiveness of the universe. They answer questions and give her advice to help her to live her best life.
Kellys Facebook page:
The Wise Old Soul Podcast Show with Lee Chandler.
Thank you for listening and subscribing to my conversations on this journey to a higher perspective. The Wise Old Soul refers to the inner guidance, the inner knowing we all have, and have experienced from time to time. It is truly a ’Journey To A Higher Perspective’ for us all. Together we will delve into questions from a spiritual perspective, including near death experiences, kundalini awakenings, angels, guides, connecting with those who have crossed over, and explore other intelligence through out the cosmos.
I look forward to hearing from you. Lee Chandler
Links to our Charity:
The opinions and views expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Wise Old Soul, its subsidiaries or any entities they represent. podcast weblog.

Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
How To Create Your Reality with KAren Swain
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
KAren Swain is a Teacher of Deliberate Creation, Spiritual Teacher, Mentor, Educator and Galactic Guide; radio/podcast host for ATP Media, author, inspirational speaker and facilitator of event, seminars and conferences; KAren enlightens you to the power of your thoughts and beliefs, how they create your reality and how to live in alignment with your emotional guidance system.
This is guidance on a Cosmic Scale. Remember your connection to your spiritual teams, your multidimensional selves and Higher wisdom. Who you are, why you are here and how you help this world. KAren Activates, Accelerates, Acclimates and Accentuates the New World Teachers. Supporting the Light-Weavers and Difference Makers bringing in a new dawn of reality.
Contact KAren:
The Wise Old Soul Podcast Show with Lee Chandler.
Thank you for listening and subscribing to my conversations on this journey to a higher perspective. The Wise Old Soul refers to the inner guidance, the inner knowing we all have, and have experienced from time to time. It is truly a ’Journey To A Higher Perspective’ for us all.
Together we will delve into questions from a spiritual perspective, including near death experiences, kundalini awakenings, angels, guides, connecting with those who have crossed over, and explore other intelligence through out the cosmos.
I look forward to hearing from you. Lee Chandler
Links to our Charity:
The opinions and views expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Wise Old Soul, its subsidiaries or any entities they represent, podcast weblog.

Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Becoming Psychic Speaking to the Dead with Sandy Feltz
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Sandy Feltz is a Psychic Medium, wife mother and grandmother living in Indiana, in the U.S. who runs a charity and does readings for private clients who wish to connect with Spirit.
As a child's Sandy had many experiences that she now understands but at the time just confused her. Over the years, she and her mother were interested in psychics and mediums, but it wasn't until her mom's passing that she started to research and work on making contact with her mom. Since her mom's passing in 2009, Sandy has put renewed emphasis on her Spiritual connection. She has since learned to connect with family and friends.
Since 2014, she has been holding mediumship sessions, but only recently has shared her story with others.
Connect with Sandy on her Facebook page:
The Wise Old Soul Podcast with Lee Chandler.
Thank you for listening and subscribing to our conversations on this journey to a higher perspective.
Join Lee Chandler each week on The Wise Old Soul Podcast as we explore and discover our human potential, and awaken to who we truely are as extensions of source energy experiencing a physical human world. The Wise Old Soul refers to the inner guidance, the inner knowing we all have and have experienced from time to time. It is truly a “Journey to a Higher Perspective” for us all to experience. Together we will delve into questions from a spiritual perspective including near death experiences (NDE’s), kundalini awakenings, angels, guides, connecting with those who have crossed over, and explore other intelligence through out the cosmos.
I look forward to hearing from you, Lee Chandler
Links to our Charity:
The opinions and views expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Wise Old Soul, its subsidiaries or any entities they represent.

Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Mediumship, Incoming Souls and Dragon Energy
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Jill Stein Clarkson is a prenatal medium who connects with souls who are preparing to come to Earth. She traveled to Africa working with DRAGON Energies to heal the land, is a private pilot with a foundation that supports aspiring pilots and single parents, and works as a business coach. Jill has helped hundreds of women step into their full potential and become entrepreneurs that love their businesses.
Her mission is to normalize energetic medicine and help spiritual practitioners , healer, psychic, doulas and astrologists, reiki people, and shamans become more visible so they can support all of the people opening their hearts and minds to receiving support and healing.
Jills Website:
Jill's Facebook page:
The Wise Old Soul Podcast with Lee Chandler.
Thank you for listening and subscribing to our conversations on this journey to a higher perspective.
Join Lee Chandler each week on The Wise Old Soul Podcast as we explore and discover our human potential, and awaken to who we truely are as extensions of source energy experiencing a physical human world.
The Wise Old Soul refers to the inner guidance, the inner knowing we all have and have experienced from time to time. It is truly a “Journey to a Higher Perspective” for us all to experience. Together we will delve into questions from a spiritual perspective including near death experiences (NDE’s), kundalini awakenings, angels, guides, connecting with those who have crossed over, and explore other intelligence through out the cosmos.
I look forward to hearing from you, Lee Chandler
Links to our Charity:
The opinions and views expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Wise Old Soul, its subsidiaries or any entities they represent.

Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Welcome to The Wise Old Soul Podcast with Lee Chandler
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
The Wise Old Soul Podcast with Lee Chandler.
Thank you for listening and subscribing to our conversations on this journey to a higher perspective.
Join Lee Chandler each week on The Wise Old Soul Podcast as we explore and discover our human potential, and awaken to who we truely are as extensions of source energy experiencing a physical human world. The Wise Old Soul refers to the inner guidance, the inner knowing we all have and have experienced from time to time. It is truly a “Journey to a Higher Perspective” for us all to experience.
Together we will delve into questions from a spiritual perspective including near death experiences (NDE’s), kundalini awakenings, angels, guides, connecting with those who have crossed over, and explore other intelligence through out the cosmos.
I look forward to hearing from you, Lee Chandler
Links to our Charity:
The opinions and views expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Wise Old Soul, its subsidiaries or any entities they represent.

Welcome to The Wise Old Soul Podcast with Lee Chandler
Thank you for listening and subscribing to our conversations on this journey to a higher perspective. Join Lee Chandler each week on The Wise Old Soul Podcast as we explore and discover our human potential, and awaken to who we truely are as extensions of source energy experiencing a physical human world. The Wise Old Soul refers to the inner guidance, the inner knowing we all have and have experienced from time to time. It is truly a “Journey to a Higher Perspective” for us all to experience. Together we will delve into questions from a spiritual perspective including near death experiences (NDE’s), kundalini awakenings, angels, guides, connecting with those who have crossed over, and explore other intelligence through out the cosmos.
I look forward to hearing from you, Lee Chandler.
Links to our Charity: Website: Facebook: Instagram:

Bracelets 4 Buildings Story
Established in 2015 after many conversations between two friends about how to make a positive difference in the world. Lee & Kent had both participated in numerous events from soup kitchens, food drives, canvasing for charities and volunteering at the children’s hospital. Each discovered when we came from a place of kindness, an open heart and no judgment to any specific outcome, it can shift another individual from despair to hope. After several trips to Thailand and Cambodia Kent & Lee started B4B after identifying a niche need in rural Thailand and Cambodia, so they set out to create sustainable housing solutions for those in need.